Psychological counseling center
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Psychological resources
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 Clear flow 
Clear flow
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· [Learning and training] The school held a lecture on the psychological theme of "Schizophrenia recognition" 2021-04-07 
· [Clear flow of mind] Earthquake Psychology: A 12-second chance to Save Yourself 2021-04-06 
· [Clear flow of mind] Life is in a hurry, who can read who's mind 2021-03-29 
· [Clear flow of mind] The Barnum effect 2021-03-22 
· [Clear flow of mind] The watchman of the mind 2021-03-15 

· [Clear flow of mind] Light the light of the soul 2021-03-10 
· [Clear flow of mind] People like to spend money when they are hungry 2021-03-03 
· [Clear flow of mind] As we grow older 2020-12-28 
· [Clear flow of mind] Set effect 2020-12-21 
· [Clear flow of mind] Stay within bounds of propriety 2020-12-14 

· [Clear flow of mind] Land of the mind 2020-12-07 
· [Clear flow of mind] Xi Murong: The Single Wood 2020-12-02 
· [Clear flow of mind] Get a glimpse of your personality - What music do you like to listen to? 2020-11-27 
· [Clear flow of mind] Fizzy drinks can prevent dementia, alternative psychological research suggests 2020-11-16 
· [Clear flow of mind] If the heart is at ease, the body is rich 2020-11-12 
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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012